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No other remodeling project can transform your home like replacement siding. Thinking about replacing your siding? Here are the most common reasons to get an estimate on new siding for your home.

Key Siding Points:


Many homeowners choose to fix “minor” repairs rather than do a full replacement to save money in this declining economy. Some of the time, this is a great choice. However, it’s an unfortunate fact that much of the time these “minor” issues seem to snowball into a project that never seems to end because the truth is that the siding is past its lifespan. If you have spent more than you expected on repairs and think you may end up paying even more, now is a great time to get a price on a full replacement.


Finding water inside your home can be a scary feeling. Until it is properly inspected, you do not know how long water has been getting in and if you have any dry rot within the structure. Unfortunately, more often than not, the problem has existed long before you could see the water and at that point, the siding will need replacement. Living within rotten and/or mold-covered wood is a health concern, especially for children or those with a respiratory illness. The sooner you replace the siding in this case, the better. Moisture spreads quickly, and the more time that goes by means more underlayment that you’ll likely need to replace.

Home Value

Selling a home can be a difficult task, especially when there are aspects of your home that prevent you from selling it at its true worth. Replacing siding can eliminate many common issues that a realtor or inspector finds and uses to negotiate a lower price or even turn down the opportunity altogether. The most important thing you can do in this case is to find out the exact cost of replacing the siding. In most cases, replacing the siding will more than pay for itself in the recovery of value. A low-maintenance exterior makes for a great selling point.

Curb Appeal

Sometimes there are no major concerns with the performance of the siding, but you crave a change. This is the best time to change your siding before anything goes wrong. Maybe you have seen advertisements for HardyPlank ® or want to make the switch from wood to vinyl. Maybe your favorite color has changed over the years or you are ready to personalize the home you bought. Whatever the case may be, we have an extensive selection of styles, colors, and fibers to choose from.

If you do not need a complete siding job, we are happy to perform minor repairs to extend the life of your existing siding.